Orbiting Zero

Orbiting Zero

Orbiting Zero is a contemporary circus take on magical realism, using juggling as the main means of expression and elements of new magic to blur the boundaries between realities. The performance explores the physical (im)possibilities of plastic juggling rings, immersing performer and audience in an endless spiral of absurd visual chapters that deconstruct the ring as a shape and juggling as an art form.

This work does not attempt to project a specific narrative but allows the audience to perceive objects and situations using their subjective imagination. Each chapter is a new beginning of a dialogue between the artist's intention and the intuition of the material. It explores the connections between the body and the object, the stage and the audience's mind, the expectation and the reality.

Premiere 2025
Author & performer: Aleš Hrdlička
Outside eye: Matthias Romir
Assistant and dramaturge: Hannah Lennox
Light design: Karlos Šimek
Sound design: Oliver Torr
Effect consultants: Michal Nesveda, Tom Cassani, Maxime Weinmann, Botovna
Co-production: PERPLX & CIRQUEON
Supported by: Czech Ministry of Culture, National Recovery Plan, Next Generation EU
Cink Cink Cirk, Botovna
Photo by: Jakub Dušek

Orbiting Zero
Orbiting Zero
Orbiting Zero
Orbiting Zero
Orbiting Zero