Ales Hrdlicka

Aleš Hrdlička

portrait picture

circus artist - magician - juggler

Aleš Hrdlička is a Contemporary Circus performer, creator and consultant focused on magic, juggling and object manipulation.

Originally from Prague, Aleš is also based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where he graduated from Codarts - University of the Arts in 2020 with a degree in circus arts. Aleš Hrdlička has won numerous international awards such as BNG Award, CircusNext pre-selection, Czech Champion of Magic 2014-2022 and is one of the original members of the circus company Cink Cink Cirk.

As a member of the French charity organisation Magiciens du Monde, Ales is honoured to share his passion and inspiration in hospitals, schools and orphanages in third world countries. Currently focused on contemporary performance art and theatre, Ales Hrdlicka has performed at hundreds of public and private events in locations ranging from Las Vegas and Shanghai, to most of Europe and remote corners of Africa.



  • 04/03 “Šmejdi Útočí”, Divadlo NOD, Prague
  • 05/03 “Šmejdi Útočí”, Divadlo NOD, Prague
  • 17/05 “Waa-ba!”, Nuselské Dvorky, Prague
  • 23/05 “Šmejdi Útočí”, Brno
  • 10/10 “Orbiting Zero” premiere, PERPLX Vitrine, Kortrijk
  • 1-3/11 “Princip Nejistoty”, Vzlet, Prague
  • 22-24/11 “Princip Nejistoty”, Vzlet, Prague



Hilton Hotels,

Toyota, Volkswagen,

Red Bull,

L' Oreál Paris,

Vodafone, Hitachi,


Česká Televize,

TV Nova, TV Prima,

IStyle, Siemens,

Prague Boats, ... 773 676 735
Since this is the year when I am finally rounding off my ring research and putting all the juicy bits into one show, “Orbiting Zero”, I would like to share my old project RINGISTRY from 2016.
Filmed by @jachymbelcher 🖤
#ThrowbackThursday #ringjuggling #objectmanipulation #8rings #triplerings #juggling #magic #magie #juggling #flowarts #2016 #ringistry #opticalart #kinetic #magienouvelle #kouzlo #zongler #cirque #novycirkus #cirkus #flowartscommunity #magic_hustle #cirqueon #cinkcinkcirk #illusion #malabar #jonglage #contemporary #researchThanks @upsidedown_hannah for the shiny ring 💿💖

#ringjuggling #juggling  #juggler #jrog #cirque
#ijajugglers @ijajugglers  #fyft #malabar #trick @circoz @malabarizese #cirque @malabares420 #jonglage #jugglersofinstagram @fyftstore #kendama #jonglerie #jongleur #ジャグリング #workshop 
#cirquecontemporain #oddjuggle @juggling.oddballs
#objectmanipulation #circusarts
@_malab.arg #zongler #novycirkus #skilltoy  #balancechallenge2025 #cirkus
#balance #circus #circuslife #trick #zonglovaniPew pew 
#trickshot #ringjuggling #juggling #trick #juggler #zongler #zonglovani #circus #novycirkus #shoot #cirqueon #cirkus #uklid #tidying #gym #practice #standoff #malabares @yugglers @fyftstore @ijajugglers #jugglingfamily #jrog
#malabarista #jonglage #circusarts #jonglerie #jongleur #ジャグリング #frisbeeRehearsals of Orbiting Zero
Premiere at / October 2025

#ringjuggling #visualmagic #juggling #experimentaljuggling #magic #juggler #malabares #malabarista #jonglage #circusarts #magie 
#jonglerie #jongleur #ジャグリング #circus #kouzlo #magienouvelle  @juggling.oddballs @lasvegasmagicclub @misterbabache @fyftstore @yugglers jugglingfamily @circusaroundtheworld @juggling_share @magic.grams @ejc2025 #magic_hustle  @magichustle #zonglovani #yugglers #jugglingfamily #levitation #fism #novycirkus #objecttheatre #circusaroundtheworld #kineticart 
#cirque #contemporarycircus #cirquecontemporainWarm-up in tonights venue 💃🏻

 #ringjuggling #juggling  #zonglovani #zongler #juggler #jrog #ijajugglers @fyftstore #fyft #malabar @circoz @malabarizese #cirque  @misterbabache @malabares420  #jonglage #jugglersofinstagram #zongler #oddjuggle @juggling.oddballs #objectmanipulation #circusarts @_malab.arg  #circus #trick #novycirkus  #yugglers 
#circusaroundtheworld #cirquegram  #circusinspiration #circuseverydamnday #objectmanipulation #jugglersofinstagram #ジャグリング  #jugglingfamily“Cards against Sanity” 
Creation 2024 @cinkcinkcirk 
@upsidedown_hannah @aleshrdlicka 
Teaser by @mikulas_hrdlicka 
Music by @vojtechbor 
Supported by @cirqueoncz , @kdmlejn , @depo2015_plzen , @butterflyplayingcards 
#CardsAgainstSanity #performance #premiere #show #circus #magienouvelle #contemporarycircus #duo #predstaveni #novycirkus #juggling #handstands #handtohand #clown #comedy #horror #stojka #magician #zonglovani #zongler #experiment #magic #cinkcinkcirk #kouzlo #acrobatics #kouzelnik #jongleur #performancephotography #cirque #magie𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼  𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽  𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂
~~~~~ sneak peek ~~~~~
Photos by Deborah Menšlová @mluvne 
Music by Vojtěch Bor @vojtechbor 

#CardsAgainstSanity #performance #premiere #show #circus #magienouvelle #contemporarycircus #duo #predstaveni #novycirkus #juggling #handstands #handtohand #clown #comedy #horror #stojka #magician #zonglovani #zongler #experiment #magic #cinkcinkcirk #kouzlo #acrobatics #kouzelnik #jongleur #performancephotography #cirque #magie𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼  𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽  𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂

Huge thanks to everyone who helped to bring our insanity into this reality! 
Creators & performers: Hannah Lennox & Aleš Hrdlička
Dramaturgy: Marc Verhille
Music: @vojtechbor 
Light design: @brtnicky 
Effect consultants: @michalnesveda ,Eddy Mayne, 
Coproduction: Cink Cink Cirk
Production: Jana Ada Kubíčková
Financially supported by: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky , Magistrát hlavního města Prahy
Supported by: @kdmlejn , @depo2015_plzen , @cirqueoncz , @butterflyplayingcards 
Photo by: Jakub Urban
#performance #premiere #show #circus #magienouvelle #contemporarycircus #duo #predstaveni #novycirkus #juggling #handstands #handtohand #clown #comedy #horror #stojka #magician #zonglovani #zongler #experiment #magic #cinkcinkcirk #kouzlo #acrobatics #kouzelnik #jongleur #performancephotography #cirque #magie #cardsagainstsanity🍾POP⛲️
#champagne #pop #magic #cork #5D #mindtricks #sleightofmind #telekinesis #kouzlo #trick #kouzelnik #meditace #magician #bar #bartending #bartricks #magie #mentalista #impro #praguemagician #bohemiasekt #partytrick #vanoce #meditation #popelka #fountainSalerno x Borzykine aka the Quantum Accelerator 
#principnejistoty #ringjuggling #salerno #borzykine #trick  #quantum #research #physics 
#malabar #zonglovani #ijajugglers #cirqueon #circusaroundtheworld #juggling #circus #circusartistcirque #circusaroundtheworld #circusinspiration #cirqueduinsta #yugglers @yugglers jugglingfamily @fyftstore #circusinternational #training #hulahoop #armday #circuseverydamnday #om #objectmanipulation #jugglersofinstagram #juggler #zonglerOrbiting Zero 
It’s a wrap for now. 
Premiere in 2025. 
Massive thanks to everyone involved 🤍
@cirqueoncz @contemporaryweirdo @upsidedown_hannah @karlossimek @oliver_torr 
#ringjuggling #creation #show #soloshow #sculpture #plasticart #performance #experimental #cirque #kineticart  #objectmanipulation #cirqueon #magic #magienouvelle #circus #circusshow #cirkus #zongler #zonglovani #perplx #predstaveni #performczech #residency #premiere #2025 #jonglerie #malabar #jonglage🌜
Orbiting Zero in creation. 

#orbitingzero #ringjuggling #creation #2025 #soloshow #balance #trick #ring #zongler #juggler #malabar #ijajugglers #yugglers @ijajugglers @malabarizese @k8malabares @ejc2025 #ジャグリング  #ジャグラー #novycirkus #cirque #cirkus #circus #zonglovani #jonglage #objectmanipulationOrbiting Zero in creation.
Premiere: 2025
Thank you for the amazing opportunity, letting us dive deep into the concept and the world of the show.
Thanks @uniederzorgelozen and OC Marke for the spaces.
Thank you @cirqueoncz  for the support of this journey and millions of thanks to @upsidedown_hannah - my partner in crime in life and behind the scenes.
#ringjuggling #creation #show #soloshow #performance #cirque #magienouvelle #circus #circusshow #cirkus #predstaveni #oahs #stojka #handstand #handbalancer #performczech #residency #premiere #2025 #jonglerie #malabar #jonglageSo much to say, but Thank you @playfestival 🫶
Captured by @lj_movement 
#circus #sick #trick #magic #magie #circuscouple #almost #1secondreel #cardporn #karty #playingcards #cardistry #cardmafia #butteflyplayingcards @butterflyplayingcards #throwup #juggling #kouzlo #bow #finale #not #festival#zonglerDoing some research, can you help?
Comment your honest answer 👀
Throwback to the last training at @codartscircusarts 
#ringjuggling #game #monte #followthegreen #guess #juggling #zonglovani #zongler #juggler #throwback #codartscircusarts #skorapky #greenisnotacreativecolor #novycirkus #malabares #malabarista @fyftstore @malabarizese @ijajugglers  #fyft @jugglingfamily #cirque #circus #cirkus #challengeSharing more of my favourite reaction video from my appearance on #FoolUs 
Thank you @briantots.m.a.g.i.c 💙
@ptfoolus #pennandtellerfoolus #cw #riohotel #reactionvideo #reaction #magic #kouzlo #zonglovani #cirkus #novycirkus #jonglage #jonglieren #magie @magichustle #magic_hustle #act #ringjuggling #jugglingIn progress ⛓️
#orbitingzero #domino #experiment #soloshow #onemanshow #workinprogress #ringjuggling #objectmanipulation #kineticart #novycirkus #cirkus #cirque #objecttheatre #sculpture #zongler #zonglovani #yugglers #fyft #jugglingfamily #ijajugglers #chainreaction #meditation #stack #malabar #malabares #jonglage #residency #cirqueonFaro shuffle attempt #ASMR
#soundon #shuffle #ringjuggling #juggling #cardistry #ringistry #objectmanipulation #zonglovani #sleightofhand #sound #cirqueon #orbitingzero #show #magic #sounddesign #malabares